As interest and coverage continues to rise on the topic of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, there is an increasing number of investors that are completely dubious to the “under-the-hood” mechanics of the technology. While a ‘complex’ understanding is typically left for the software-engineers and experts alike, a dumb-downed version can easily explain all the intricate complexities of Bitcoins; that is, without leaving much room for questions or concerns on the legitimacy of the rising cryptocurrency market. That is what this article will concentrate on. Explaining Bitcoin a bit further from the usual “ it’s a ledger… kept by everyone! ” notion. Quick recap on Bitcoin’s origin and its price history. Bitcoin was introduced back in 2007, when an individual or group of people by the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto published a detailed white-paper, a proof-of-concept explanation, of a currency that had the potential to be both decentralized and self-governed. The paper is stil...