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Showing posts with the label css

Adventures in Elm

You can write your first elm code online here: Your first hello word code will look like this: import Html main = Html.text "Hello, World!!" Your index.html  will look like this: Hello, World!! You can also div as follows: import Html main = Html.div [] [ Html.text "Hello, World!!"] Output will remain the same, but if you inspect the webpage, you can see the following in the source code: You can convert your html code to elm here: You can also add a view function import Html main = view view : Html.Html Never view = Html.div [] [ Html.text "Hello, World!!"] Your output will remain the same. If you want to output your mouse position your code will look like: import Html import Mouse import Programmator main : Program {} main = { init = { x=0, y=0 }, input = Mouse.moves, view = view } |> Programmator.viewFromOneInput view : Mo...

Adventures in Elm

You can write your first elm code online here: Your first hello word code will look like this: import Html main = Html.text "Hello, World!!" Your index.html  will look like this: Hello, World!! You can also div as follows: import Html main = Html.div [] [ Html.text "Hello, World!!"] Output will remain the same, but if you inspect the webpage, you can see the following in the source code: You can convert your html code to elm here: You can also add a view function import Html main = view view : Html.Html Never view = Html.div [] [ Html.text "Hello, World!!"] Your output will remain the same. If you want to output your mouse position your code will look like: import Html import Mouse import Programmator main : Program {} main = { init = { x=0, y=0 }, input = Mouse.moves, view = view } |> Programmator.viewFromOneInput view : Mouse.Position -> Html.Html Mouse.Position vi...