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Ansible issues

  1. is not a valid attribute for a Play
    When ever you get the above error firstly crosscheck that the ansible attribute you have mentioned is correct. If it is correct then the issue probably is that you have created tasks as follows:
    - vars_prompt:
    - name: "var1"
    prompt: "Please pass variable"
    private: no

    - fail: msg="var1 is not passed or blank"
    when: var1 is undefined or ( var1 is defined and storeid == "" )

    when it should be as follows:
    - name: "var1"
    prompt: "Please pass variable"
    private: no

    - fail: msg="var1 is not passed or blank"
    when: var1 is undefined or ( var1 is defined and storeid == "" )

    the example referenced is just a task. It is not a valid playbook because it is missings a hosts declaration and the module call is not under a tasks section.

  2. ERROR! conflicting action statements: fail, command
    I get this error if I have a task as follows:
    - name: deploy
    url: 'http://server_ip/builds/'
    dest: 'D:\'
    src: D:\
    dest: D:\You cannot have multiple actions listed inside a single task like this. Instead you need to do this:
        - name: deploy get url
    url: 'http://server_ip/builds/'
    dest: 'D:\'
    - name: deploy unzip
    src: D:\
    dest: D:\

  3. Ansible task to check API status
    Here I am checking ES cluster health:
    - name: Get ES cluster health
    url: http://{{inventory_hostname}}:9200/_cluster/health
    return_content: yes
    register: cluster_status

    - set_fact:
    es_cluster_health: "{{ cluster_status.content | from_json }}"

    - fail: msg="ES cluster not healthy"
    when: "es_cluster_health.status != 'yellow'"


    You can compare the status with any string you want. Here I am comparing it with string "yellow"


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