All over the world, peoples are working on energy solution. It would be a tough time for our next generation to survive if we don’t think about solution. Tony stark is working on a new project and wants to display his project using “seven segment display - concept”. Tony Stark gave Jarvis a task to find a number from his Favorite list of number for which the energy consumption is lowest.
(Assuming that for a digit to represent Tony stark is using 7 bulbs and only those bulbs light up which are required to represent a number and rest other would be completely off.)
Help Jarvis and conserve energy.
Seven segment display -
First line will contain the number of test cases and for every test case first line will contain length of favorite list and the second line for a test case will contain n numbers
First line will contain the number of test cases and for every test case first line will contain length of favorite list and the second line for a test case will contain n numbers
For every test case print the answer. If there exist more than 1 numbers for which same number of bulbs are required than output the number which occurs first in the Favorite list.
Constraints:For every test case print the answer. If there exist more than 1 numbers for which same number of bulbs are required than output the number which occurs first in the Favorite list.
Test cases< 10
A[i] < 10^6
Size of list < 10^5
1 5 1 2 3 4 5
Number 1 needs only two bulbs to represent.
import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; public class Solution { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException{ InputReader in=new InputReader(; PrintWriter out=new PrintWriter(System.out); int T=in.readInt(); while(T-->0){ long N=in.readLong(); long min=222222222; long minnum=0; while(N-->0){ long num=in.readCount(); long count=in.getcount(); if(count<min){ min=count; minnum=num; } } out.println(minnum); out.flush(); } out.close(); } } class InputReader{ InputStream in; int[] segment={6,2,5,5,4,5,6,3,7,6}; long count=0; InputReader(InputStream in){; } public long getcount(){ return count; } private int read() throws IOException{ return; } public char readChar() throws IOException{ int n=read(); while(isWhiteSpace(n)){ n=read(); } return (char)n; } public int readInt() throws IOException{ int number=0; int n=read(); while(isWhiteSpace(n)){ n=read(); } while(!isWhiteSpace(n)){ int integer=n-'0'; number*=10; number+=integer; n=read(); } return number; } public long readCount() throws IOException{ long number=0; count=0; int n=read(); while(isWhiteSpace(n)){ n=read(); } while(!isWhiteSpace(n)){ int integer=n-'0'; count+=segment[integer]; number*=10; number+=integer; n=read(); } return number; } public long readLong() throws IOException{ long number=0; int n=read(); while(isWhiteSpace(n)){ n=read(); } while(!isWhiteSpace(n)){ int integer=n-'0'; number*=10; number+=integer; n=read(); } return number; } private boolean isWhiteSpace(int n){ if(n=='\n'||n=='\r'||n=='\t'||n==' '||n==-1){ return true; }else{ return false; } } }
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