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Mid-proxy server installation and configuration

This document is helpful while setting up Jumphost server(mid-proxy) and configuring it with RabbitMQ.


  • Each private network is (normally) dedicated to a single tenant. Within that private network, there is a jumphost that can access the other VMs within the private network. No network access is required to the jumphost from outside. This jumphost run an agent (the "AMP Jumphost" product).

  • A clustered message broker (e.g. RabbitMQ) is used send requests to the jumphost, and to receive responses from it.

  • Through this mechanism, commands are executed on VMs within the private network.
    The sequence for command execution (e.g. SSH or WinRM on a VM in the private network) is:
    1. Manual pre-configuration:
    i. The message broker cluster is pre-installed.
    ii. For a new private network, the jumphost is manually set up within private network. On startup it automatically
    subscribes to the message broker to receive the relevant requests.
    2. AMP subscribes to a response queue, ready to receive the result.
    3. AMP publishes a request to the appropriate queue on the message broker; this request describes the command to be
    executed and the response queue to use.
    4. The jumphost picks up the request, validates it, and executes it.
    5. The jumphost publishes the result to a response queue (e.g. exit status, stdout and stderr).
    6. AMP receives the response via the message broker. The AMP instances and the jumphost access the message broker via AMQP.

Step-by-step guide

  • RabbitMQ installation and configuration steps:

    1. RabbitMQ is a message bus that acts as a messaging broker - an intermediary for messaging. It gives your applications a common platform to send and receive messages, and your messages a safe place to live until received.

    2. RabbitMQ runs on the Erlang runtime, so before you can install and run RabbitMQ, you’ll need to install Erlang.

    3. Add the Erlang Solutions YUM repository:

      sudo wget 

      sudo rpm -Uvh erlang-solutions-1.0-1.noarch.rpm

    4. Install Erlang:

      redhat_release=`cat /etc/redhat-release | awk {'print int($3)'}` 

      sudo yum install -y erlang-18.2-1.el${redhat_release}

    5. Download the signing key for the RabbitMQ YUM repository, and then download and install RabbitMQ 3.6.0 using the rpm utility:

      sudo rpm --import

    6. You can update your yum repository to update to the latest version of RabbitMQ
      sudo yum update

    7. You can check the version of RabbitMQ in yum with the following command
      su -c 'yum list rabbitmq'

    8. Install the rabbitmq with the following command

      yum install rabbitmq

    9. Add the rabbitmq to run on startup and start the rabbitmq service

      sudo chkconfig rabbitmq-server on
      sudo /etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server start

    10. The rabbitmq default administrator username is guest and password is guest.

    11. Nat your rabbitmq for the port 5672 externally. You will need the external IP and port in jumphost properties. This is all the configuration needed for installation of RabbitMQ.

  • Jumphost (mid-proxy) installation and configuration steps:

    1. You will have to edit limits.conf file
      sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf
      Add the following lines in it.
      amp soft nproc 16384
      amp hard nproc 16384
      amp soft nofile 16384
      amp hard nofile 16384

    2. Reboot the machine after this step.

    3. Download jumphost by the following command:

    4. Install jumphost by unpacking the tar with the following command
      tar -zxvf  jumphost-1.0.0-20160121.1603-dist.tar.gz

    5. Make a file in /home/user/.brooklyn/ named<rabbitmq ip> 
      messageManager.rabbitmq.port=<rabbitmq port>
      messageManager.crypto.initVector=UmFuZG9tSW5pdFZlY3Rvcg==, values can be anything you want. is the external ip of rabbitmqmessageManager.rabbitmq.port is the external port of rabbitmqNo other properties need to be edited.

    6. You will also need to check the value of Entropy on your jumphost server.  An entropy is the randomness collected by an operating system or application for use in cryptography or other uses that require random data. This randomness is often collected from hardware sources, either pre-existing ones such as mouse movements or specially provided randomness generators. A lack of entropy can have a negative impact on performance and security.
          1. You can check the value of Entropy by the following command cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail
          2.  It is recommended for it to be more than 1000. To increase your entropy execute the following commands.
                sudo yum -y -q install rng-tools

                sudo chmod 666 /etc/sysconfig/rngd (this step to be performed only if you are not logged in as root)
                vi /etc/sysconfig/rngd
                Edit the EXTRAOPTIONS as follows           EXTRAOPTIONS=”-r /dev/urandom”
                sudo chmod 640 /etc/sysconfig/rngd (this step to be performed only if you are not logged in as root)
                sudo chkconfig rngd on
                sudo service rngd start
         3. Now check your Entropy again cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail. It should be increased to more than 1000.

    7. You can now launch jumphost with the following command
      cd cloudsoft-jumphost-1.0.0-20160330.1541
      ./bin/jumphost launch > /dev/null &

    8. This launches the jumphost and this is all you need to install and start your mid-proxy server.

  • Configuring AMP to route through RabbitMQ and Jumphost:

    1. Edit in the properties section of any location add the following properties for the location your jumphost is
      brooklyn.location.named.MyPrivateLocation_TAI_Test.sshToolClass=io.cloudsoft.amp.jumphost.ssh.client.SshProxiedTool given in given in<rabbitmq_ip>   ##internal rabbitmq ip
      brooklyn.location.named.MyPrivateLocation_TAI_Test.sshToolClass.messageManager.rabbitmq.port=<rabbitmq_port>  ##internal rabbitmq port

    2. Save the and reload properties in console.

    3. Then you can deploy any BP via the location you have just configured. It will use RabbitMQ and jumphost to deploy the BP in the private network.

    4. Following is the list of config keys to pass for respective BPs:
      For JBoss AS 7, use httpMonitoring.enabled: false .
      For JBoss AS 6, use jmx.enabled: false .
      For Tomcat, use jmx.enabled: false .
      For MongoDB, use clientMonitoring.enabled: false (though this will not work for clustered MongoDB).
      For Riak, use httpMonitoring.enabled: false .
      For Cassandra, use thriftMonitoring.enabled: false and jmx.enabled: false .

    5. You can verify that the deployment took place via jumphost by checking if the newly created VM's IP has been natted in sensors tab. In case of the use of jumphost the IP address will not be natted will show internal IP in sensors tab.


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